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RockBLOCK 9704 Dimensions

RockBLOCK 9704

RockBLOCK 9704-P Dimensions

RockBLOCK 9704

Initial Connection

When first connected to power, the red 'PWR' LED should illuminate. The onboard supercaps will begin charging. With the default ~450mA current limit, this can take around 30 seconds. The 9704 module will start up, and the the Green 'RDY' LED should illuminate.
If using USB for communication, the USB device will not enumerate until the 'RDY' LED illuminates.


If using USB, the RockBLOCK 9704 should be plugged directly into a USB 2.0 or USB 3.X port, which must be able to supply 500mA. For this reason, the use of unpowered USB hubs is not supported.


RockBLOCK 9704 has an FTDI USB-TTL interface for quick and easy communication, or a 16-pin 0.1" pitch interface for full control and the highest efficiency capability.


The USB-TTL interface and the 16-pin connector share a serial interface on the 9704.
Simultaneous connection of both interfaces may cause damage to the RockBlock 9704.

It is important to note that the 9704 has some requirements surrounding startup and shutdown sequencing.

1. Using 16-pin connector:

Startup Sequence
  • Set all pins connected to RockBLOCK 9704 inputs tristate
  • Apply Power to RockBLOCK 9704
  • Tristate / Assert / Pull-up I_EN
  • Wait for I_BTD to go HIGH
  • UART / input pins can now be initialised.
Shutdown Sequence
  • Cease serial communications
  • Drive I_EN LOW
  • Wait for I_BTD to go LOW
  • Power may be removed at this point if desired.

When not booted, the output states of the RockBLOCK 9704, with the exception of I_BTD, are to be considered undefined.

2. Using USB:

Startup Sequence
  • Connect RockBLOCK 9704 to a USB port
  • Sequencing is handled in hardware
  • USB port will enumerate on the host device once the 9704 has booted successfully.
Shutdown Sequence
  • Unplug / power down the USB port
  • The module will automatically shut down on capacitor power.

It is important that the 9704 is allowed to complete a startup / shutdown cycle. Therefore, once the I_EN has been driven high, the host application must wait for I_BTD to transistion high before driving I_EN low again.
Vice-versa, once I_EN has been driven low, the host application must wait for I_BTD to transistion low before driving I_EN high again.
Failure to follow this procedure may result in damage to the 9704 module.


RockBLOCK 9704 Connector Pinout

1GNDSignal GroundGNDGND
3I_ENIridium EnableLogicIN
4V_CAPStorage Capacitor Voltage FeedbackAnalogOUT
5GPS_ENGNSS Passthrough Enable SignalLogicIN
6P_ENCap Charge Enable Signal (ACTIVE LOW)LogicIN
7I_BTDBOOTED signal from 9704 moduleLogicOUT
8XMT_GXMIT_GATE high when actively transmittingLogicIN
9GNDSignal GroundGNDGND
10GNDSignal GroundGNDGND
11I_WK_IWAKE_XCVR_IN to wake 9704 from host circuitLogicIN
12I_WK_OWAKE_XCVR_OUT to wake host circuit from 9704LogicOUT
13TXDUART_XCVR_TX data FROM 9704 to host circuitLogicOUT
14RXDUART_XCVR_RX data TO 9704 from host circuitLogicIN
15V_IN+Power Input (3.6-5.3V @ 500mA)PowerIN
16V_IN-Power GroundGNDGND

Signal Thresholds

The host circuit should be compatible with the following I/O voltages to ensure trouble-free operation of the RockBLOCK 9704.

RB9704 PinV Min.V Max.I Max. (mA)
Logic In LOW-0.30.4-0.2
Logic In HIGH2.03.60.2
Logic Out LOW00.4-2
Logic Out HIGH2.93.42
  • *Analog Output is at the full capacitor voltage, which can be up to 4.25VDC. See 'Pin Descriptions' for information.
  • Pin directions are relative to the RockBlock 9704. For example:
    • I_EN is an INPUT which means it must be driven by the host circuit into the RB9704.
    • I_BTD is an OUTPUT which means the RB9704 will drive HIGH or LOW into the host circuit.

Pin Descriptions

1, 9, 10, 16 - GND / V_IN-

These are signal ground pins. All should be connected to the host circuit, unless used in USB only mode.

2 - I_SYN

The SYNC_XCVR_OUT signal is intended for use in RF test cases such as regulatory approvals, and is inactive in operational states. This pin can be left open.

3 - I_EN

This input pin is used to initiate startup and shutdown of the 9704 module. The signal is buffered into the ENABLE input of the 9704 module. It has a weak voltage-divider (270KΩ/390KΩ) pull-up to the input voltage, ensuring that the 9704 Boots up when powered on, and begins shutting down as soon as external power is removed. This pin has a series 10KΩ resistor to the input of the buffer. It can be driven directly with an MCU pin, or an open-drain output.

4 - V_CAP

This output pin feeds back the Supercapacitor / 9704 supply voltage (<4.25V) directly through a 10KΩ resistor. Depending upon the host circuit, this is likely to require dividing down. For instance, connecting a 27KΩ resistor from this pin to ground will result in a maximum output voltage of 3.1V, and 2.6V when the input voltage is at it's minimum of 3.6V. This can either be read by ADC or digital input on the host circuit, or left open if not needed.

5 - GPS_EN

This input pin is connected directly to the 9704. When driven high, it enables the RF path between the Iridium antenna (Patch or SMA) and the U.FL 'GNSS' connector. This path can still be enabled if the 9704 is shut down, however the power supply must still be connected and enabled (P_EN driven low or left open). Isolation of the 'GNSS' connector during a transmit burst from the 9704 is handled directly by the 9704 itself. This pin can be left open or driven low if not required.

6 - P_EN

This input pin is used to enable or disable the Supercapacitor charge circuit. It has a weak pulldown of ~350KΩ. Leaving open or driving LOW enables the charge circuit. Driving high disables the charge circuit, and starts actively discharging the supercapacitors.

7 - I_BTD

This output pin signals when the 9704 is booted (high) or shut down (low). When this pin is LOW there should be no voltage applied to any input pins, other than I_EN which will cause the 9704 to boot if driven high. The state of this pin is used onboard the RockBLOCK 9704 to control the 'RDY' LED, and the operational status of the USB-TTL bridge (when on USB power only).

8 - XMT_G

The XMIT_GATE output pin drives HIGH when 9704 is actively transmitting. The default lead-and-lag time of this pin is 1µS, but can be controlled in software for specific host requirements. This pin also controls the onboard 'XMT' LED. If unused, it can be left open.

11 - I_WK_I

The WAKE_XCVR_IN input pin allows host and 9704 power control. When driven low, it tells the 9704 that it can sleep. When driven high, it instructs the 9704 to wake. I_WK_O shows the 9704's response. Wake functionality must be enabled in software. This pin can be left open if not required.

12 - I_WK_O

The WAKE_XCVR_OUT output pin allows host and 9704 power control. When I_WK_I is driven high, the 9704 wakes, and drives I_WK_O high to signal it's ready to send an MO message. Alternatively, when an unsolicited MT message is received, this pin is driven high. Once the Host responds by driving I_WK_I high, the 9704 sends the message out over UART. Wake functionality must be enabled in software. This pin can be left open if not required.

13 - TXD

The UART_XCVR_TX output pin is the Serial Transmit line of the 9704.

14 - RXD

The UART_XCVR_RX input pin is the Serial Receive line of the 9704. NOTE: When connected to USB, this pin is driven by the FT234XD.

15 - V_IN+

This is the power input pin for RockBLOCK 9704. It requires a voltage between 3.6V and 5.3VDC, at a maximum of 500mA. This pin can be used for regulated voltage or single-cell li-ion battery input. It is reverse-polarity protected, and diode-ored with the USB input voltage. If both USB and V_IN+ are connected, V_IN+ will be prioritised, as long as it is above 3.6V. Whilst a Lithium battery can provide power, RockBLOCK 9704 does not have a battery charger onboard. Therefore if one is required, it must be included on the host circuit.

LED Indicators

PWRRedORed input voltage is present2.6mW
RDYGreen9704 Module is powered and booted4.6mW
XMTBlueModem is actively transmitting1.7mW*

*It is worth noting that this power is consumed only whilst actively transmitting, so will contribute negligibly to overall power use.

Some customers may be keen to save as much power as possible. In order to achieve this, each LED can be individually disabled, using cuttable traces on the board. To re-enable the LED's, the pads can be bridged with a blob of solder.

LED Disable Pads - 9704

RockBLOCK 9704

LED Disable Pads - 9704-P

RockBLOCK 9704

Charge Current

The default charge current of the supercapacitors is limited to ~460mA, to enable the RockBLOCK 9704 to be powered from any USB 2.0 port. This current limit also applies to the 16-pin input.
If the USB connection will be unused, or used soley with USB 3.X ports, the charge current limit can be increased to ~800mA.
To Increase the charge current, the solder pads shown below should be bridged with solder.


The default current limit is adequate for constant usage of the RockBLOCK 9704. The only benefit to increasing the current limit is the shortenning of the initial capacitor charge time.
If power to the unit is never removed or disabled, then the increased current limit will have no effect on the operation of the RockBLOCK 9704.

Charge Current Increase Pads

RockBLOCK 9704


The RockBLOCK 9704 will not negotiate a lower current limit. If a unit with 800mA current limit is plugged into a USB 2.0 port, the port is likely to be damaged!

Circuit Diagrams

Full circuit diagrams for the RockBlock 9704 are available below.

Schematic - RockBLOCK 9704 1E
Schematic - RockBLOCK 9704-P 1A


These documents are intended to provide early access information to interested parties during the development process. Whilst we strive to maintain accuracy, any part of the specification or design of these products may change without notice.

These documents were last reviewed for accuracy on March 6th 2025.